Pivotage Consulting


We offer a wide spectrum of strategic Human Resource Services.

Are your employees delivering on their jobs? What system or strategy do you employ to measure performance?

At Pivotage, we offer a seamless performance management system which helps you plan, monitor and appraise your employees’ performance and determine their contribution to the organization.

This goes beyond the bi-annual/annual performance appraisals. It is a system that will establish a continuous culture of performance accountability; putting in place objectives, progress assessment and provide on-going support and evaluation to ensure that employees are meeting the organizational objectives and fulfilling their career goals.

Need First Class HR Consultants?

Spend less time doing HR tasks and focus on what matters. Together we translate HR into Business usefulness.

We are consistently committed to bridging the gap between “an organization’s current situation and its vision” using value driven, tested and tried strategic human resources management principles.

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